Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Latihan Soal Mathematics


I.      Fill in the blanks!
1.      ..... x 7 = 35
2.      7 x ..... = 28
3.      8 x ..... = 48
4.      ..... x 9 = 54
5.      5 x ..... = 40
6.      30 : 5   = ....
7.      18 : 2   = ....
8.      16 : 4   = ....
9.      20 : 2   = ....
10.  36 : 6   = ....
11.  ( (3 x 7 ) + 4 : 5 ) =
12.  ( ( 2 : 2 ) + 4 x 9 ) =
13.   (64 – 4 ) : 6 + 8 ) =
14.  ( 36 + 4 ) : 5 x 2 ) =
15.  ( 70 : 7 ) x 3 – 5 ) =

II.    Answer the following questions!
16.  Tora has 3 rabbits. Each rabbit eats 3 carrots in a day. How many carrots should Tora gives to the rabbits in five days?
17.  Fourty – eight coconuts are put equally into six in a basket. How many baskets are there all?
18.  Verona buys sixteen apples. She gives those aplles to her two friends. How many apples does each person get?
19.  In a cage there are six mice. How many mice are there in four cages? 
20.  Saira brings three kg bananas on her right hand, then one kg tomato on her left hand. In the middle of her trip the bananas lost one kilogram. What is the weight of both fruits on Saira hands now?    

Good Luck.....!!!!

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum pak Taqiem..

    Saya mau tanya soal yang no. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Apakah memang tanda kurung buka dan tutup sudah benar (tidak ada kesalahan pengetikan)? Karena hasilnya pasti akan berbeda jika ada tanda kurung buka dan tutup letaknya berbeda. Terima kasih sebelumnya.



Dalam berkomentar diharapkan menggunakan bahasa yang santun dan jelas ya.....
Dimohon tidak beriklan di sini!!!
Terima kasih